For Immediate Release
Woodstock Poetry Society & Festival as part of the Woodstock Arts Consortium is sponsoring the following poetry event as part of the Woodstock "Second Saturdays" Art Events. For a full listing of "Second Saturday" events, see:
Poets Angelo Verga and George Wallace will be the featured readers when the Woodstock Poetry Society & Festival meets at the Woodstock Town Hall, 76 Tinker Street, on Saturday, November 14th at 2pm. Note: WPS&F meetings are held the 2nd Saturday of every month.
The readings will be hosted by Woodstock area poet Phillip Levine. All meetings are free, open to the public, and include an open mike.
Angelo Verga - Poet, teacher, editor, manuscript doctor, curator of innumerable literary events, Angelo Verga’s sixth collection is a long poem set in the crooked footpaths of lower Manhattan, Praise for What Remains, Three Rooms Press, 2009. He has been widely published anthologized and translated. His previous books include A Hurricane Is, Jane Street Press (2002), and 33 New York City Poems, Booklyn (2005).
George Wallace - George Wallace is author of eighteen chapbooks and 2 CDs of poetry, published in the US, UK and Italy, including Summer of Love Summer of Love, published by Shivastan Press in Woodstock. Editor of Poetrybay (, Polarity (, Poetryvlog and other literary publications, he studied poetry as an undergraduate at Syracuse University with WD Snodgrass and Donald Justice, and was awarded an MFA from Pacific University. Wallace regularly performs his poetry in the New York area, where he is based, and in the UK; and appears regularly at the Woody Guthrie Festival, Lowell Celebrates Kerouac and Howlfest.
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